Netongo M. Palmer

Dr. Netongo M. Palmer.


I have been teaching molecular biology and basic immunology to undergraduate and graduate classes in research methods, advanced immunology and molecular biology since 2011 when I joined the University of Yaounde I (UNYAO I) as permanent Lecturer. I specialize in interactions between co-infecting pathogens, particularly Plasmodium falciparum and Salmonella typhii as well as Plasmodium falciparum and Schistosoma spp. I am pursuing studies looking at the effect of gammaherpesviruses on suppression of anti-malarial humoral immunity and how malaria predisposes mice to severe pneumococcal disease, at Utah. Through the Initiative to Strengthen Health Research Capacity in Africa (ISHReCA), I have been involved in capacity building for health researchers across Africa for ~10 years. I have accrued international experience in Project/Program Management, conference organization/management as well as emotional intelligence through volunteering for this initiative. I also coach students in grant writing, Good Clinical Laboratory Practices in clinical trials as well as ethics in research partnership. I have organized 10 grant writing/project management workshops (with over 280 trainees involved) in collaboration with many funders including the Wellcome Trust in the UK, WHO/TDR in Switzerland, EC headquarters in Belgium and DFG in Germany. I have also been involved in co-organizing the Yaounde Advanced Immunology Course in both 2018 and 2019 where I also lectured to the participants.

Permanent Lecturer at the University of yaounde 1.