As Head of the Clinical and Laboratory Data Management Unit at the Biotechnology center of the University of Yaoundé I, Akindeh has played a major role in the design and running of Four clinical trials on anti-malarial drugs.

Akindeh is a senior lecturer of biostatistics in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. As Head of the Clinical and Laboratory Data Management Unit at the Biotechnology center of the University of Yaoundé I, Akindeh has played a major role in the design and running clinical trials on anti-malarial drugs. He has been a consultant Clinical data monitor for WHO sponsored clinical trial entitled "Fixed-dose combination therapy of four pulmonary tuberculosis drugs" with sites Ethiopia and Nigeria. His expertise in study design, experimental studies, including KAP studies, research methodology. He is a member of the Society of Epidemiology Cameroon (CaSE) and the network of Modelers in infectious diseases. Akindeh is author/co-author of more than 25 peered reviewed articles. My research interest and focus is using mathematics/Statistics to model the control and elimination of malaria in Cameroon and other endemic countries with varying interventions and transmission patterns. I am currently a postdoc with the Malaria Research and Capacity building Consortium for west and central Africa. I am a member of the Modeling and Simulation Hub for Africa of University of Cape town, SA. I am currently a member of the International consortium for modeling of COVID-19 (CoMo) and a member of the Taskforce On the development of the COVID-19 Pandemic Modelling for the African Union, Scientific, Technical and Research Commission (AU-STRC)

Core expertise

  • Clinical trials (design and data).
  • Longitudinal data.
  • Experimental designs.
  • Survival data.
  • Meta-analysis.
  • Use of R, Stata, SPSS, EPI info, graph pad statistics software.
  • Modeling infectious diseases
